Well done, parents of Sendera south.

I left out two bowls of candy while I took my wife to dinner tonight. One bowl the good stuff, Reese’s, York, etc. The other one Dumdums. 300 of them. When I got back, there was still candy left but the Dumdums we’re almost gone. I sat and watched ring doorbell video of trick or treating. A great bunch of respectful kids. Sure, there were some handful grabbers. To be expected. But mostly one from each bowl or, surprisingly, two Dumdums.

My absolute favorite young lady walked up and says, ooh, they have WHOPPERS! while her friends looked at her like she was crazy. Well done, saying THIS IS WHAT I LIKE and not caring what anyone thinks.

I’m proud of our neighborhood tonight.

Also, I learned that Dumdums are like 25 calories each. Not a bad choice.

submitted by /u/Key_Assignment_6721
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