I have really terrible associations with exercise. Never had any natural ability and was basically bullied by my athletic parents because of it. Any time I start getting out of breath or try to push harder, shame and frustration bubble up to the surface and I lose all motivation.
I’m in therapy and all that, but I want to work with a fitness instructor who takes this history into account. All my past experiences have been with someone telling me to push myself, “GO GO GO!!!”, and that approach doesn’t work for me at all.
Idk if it matters, but I’m an average weight woman in early 30s, physically “fine” but out of shape. Not necessarily looking to drop pounds, just want to be healthier and get some of those elusive mental benefits everyone keeps yapping about.
Edit – I would eventually like to get into weightlifting, but think I need a stronger foundation first as to not injure myself! And build a healthier mindset
submitted by /u/LilBeanSprout420
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