Hi, I’m 45f. Have been having worsening lower left back, hip and leg pain for almost a year. No injury. It’s getting so bad now, it’s 24/7 at high pain level. I cannot walk for more than 10 mins. I had to stop working a few months ago. I am spending most of my time on the couch in agony.
Spine doctors could not figure out the pain reason. Lumbar MRI is showing no nerve compression. It does show some wear and tear but they told me that should not cause this much pain. I have done two rounds of physical therapy for 4 months with no improvement. I have done nerve blocks and steroid injections, again no improvement.
I think I need a physical therapist who can do a really detailed evaluation and help me figure out the issue. Please help me out if you know someone. Happy thanksgiving and thank you for any suggestions!
Btw I have also seen many other specialists to rule out conditions: neurologist (did brain mri – normal), rheumatologist, urologist, vascular doctor, gynecologist (I might have endometriosis/adenomyosis but he said it should not cause the pain I’m experiencing based on pain locations). Pelvic MRI and CT are normal. Left hip MRI is normal. My gut feeling is I have some structure issue at lower back that might not have shown on lumbar MRI.
Edit to add: I’m in nw austin area but willing to travel.
submitted by /u/mountaingoatnn
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